It’s a boy! Blair & I were a bit anxious to wait until my 20 week ultrasound appointment to find out what our little peanut was, so we scheduled a 2D & 3D/4D ultrasound a little early to take a sneak peak at our little one. With 100% confidence we were told we are expecting a little baby boy (they showed us from a few angles) and from the pictures it looked like a boy to me, so I am going to believe our super nice ultrasound technician and start thinking blue. You can see a few pictures below & judge for yourself! We were also lucky to be able to share the experience with our parents. My parents were able to visit us from Phoenix for the appointment and we had Blair’s parents on speakerphone from Florida – a true family affair! It really is so cool, for lack of a better word, how much they can show you on the ultrasounds and the 3D/ 4D images were amazing….I am just hoping he grows out of his alien phase! Hope you enjoy the pictures below!
Look's like a boy to me...I think
Just in case we thought she might be wrong...
Love this image with his little hand in his cute!
Little hands & feet - so perfect!
The images below are the 3D/4D images. Just so amazing to think a little person is growing inside - although by these photos, he looks a little alien - lol! I know he will grow out of it :)